Supporting local business through the Covid-19 Pandemic

what do for your business online during the coronavirus pandemic

Can your business avoid going under by making better use of the internet while we’re all isolated at home? How can communities thrive?

2020 could also be the year the internet really comes into it’s own!

Some things you might be able to do -and that we can help you with:

  • Set up a Facebook Page/Group and/or Instagram account
  • Get that website you have been planning for years done
  • Improve your existing website
  • Sell stuff online – do it from your website, from Facebook, via Shopify, lots of possiblilites
  • Pubs & Restaurants push home delivery take-aways
  • Pubs become offies – send out drinks and get your regulars to meet up in a ‘virtual bar’
  • Provide online training courses
  • Run an online support group
  • Online revision guidance

That’s just a few ideas – there will be dozens of clever ideas.

Get in touch if you would like to discuss taking advantage of the internet during this crisis